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Why Invest

Connecting with Shoppers Online

The traditional ways of marketing Private Brands are not working. With over 50% of consumers sharing they picked a store specifically for its Private Brands, now is the time for retailers to invest in marketing Private Brands. As previous barriers such as quality and variety are no longer a consideration it is often a consumer’s affinity to unique and innovative Private Brand products that drive affinity to a retail banner.
Gone are the days of funneling money towards your circular or shelf tags because no longer is the moment of truth at shelf or even in the store. Consumers’ Path to  Purchase has fundamentally shifted and the way they search for and consume
information has changed. The Moment of Truth is happening digitally, when a shopper is browsing Influencers on Instagram or meal planning while looking through Pinterest  Boards, reading blog posts on a store website or looking at the weekly circular sent from a retailer’s weekly email campaign.

Why invest in well-designed branding and sustainable packaging if consumers don’t know you have rebranded or source the latest on-trend Paleo Organic Free-Range  Snack Sticks if your Paleo seeking customers don’t know they exist. When Private  Brands invest in strategic integrative marketing initiatives retailers can control the digital narrative of how they connect with the consumers; influencing how, when and  where “The Moment of Truth” is happening online for your shoppers.

Thirty eight percent of consumers have increased their online grocery shopping since the pandemic began while 58% have indicated they are spending more time online.

What can be learned from Best-in-Class Private Brands? Seventy one percent of consumers who shop at Best-in-Class retailers do so specifically for their Private  Brands. The disruption in the purchase cycle of National Brands is possible by creating a strategic marketing plan that supports the different needs within the hierarchy of retailer Private Brands. To compete with National Brands, who traditionally spend 8%-  10% of total sales on marketing, Private Brands should consider developing and implementing a strategic Marketing Plan inclusive of a multi-tactical digital strategy that supports E-commerce with solution oriented digital content that connects authentically with shoppers. By investing in a Digital Marketing Strategy now that promotes your Private Brands and supports your e-commerce platforms you will be setting yourself up for ongoing success in 2021 and beyond.

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