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Vuyisa Mnyele, branch manager at Shoprite Windsor Glen, reached out to the community in Evaton to distribute food hampers to vulnerable residents.
Vuyisa Mnyele not only serves as a frontline supermarket worker, but has since the start of the lockdown supported ten households with regular food hampers, and he plans to do so for as long as he can.

A seasoned retailer with 16 years’ experience, Mnyele recently became the branch manager at Shoprite Windsor Glen in Randburg. However, every weekend and with financial support from his partner Mpho Motaung, he delivers food hampers that feed 44 people in Palm Springs - where he lives - and Evaton, the neighbouring community.

“We knew the suffering in our communities would be great when the national lockdown was announced and felt compelled to help.”
- Vuyisa Mnyele, Branch Manager of Shoprite Windsor Glen

His retail career kicked off in 2004 when he found work as a shelf packer at Shoprite Rosettenville. Among the positions he held en route to his current post were Money Market clerk, LiquorShop manager and sales manager.

When the Shoprite Group heard of Mnyele’s community work, it contributed R2 000 towards his efforts. “We’d been paying for the food hampers from our own pockets and this boost will go some way in easing the financial burden. 

“I’m extremely grateful to Shoprite as this means I can support the families for longer,” explains Mnyele, who ensures that during deliveries there is no risk of Coronavirus transmission by wearing a mask and keeping a physical distance from the beneficiaries of his and Motaung’s generosity.

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