Event Info

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29 Apr - 3 May
  • Shoprite Share alike
    For yonks now, Christo Wiese has exercised control over the Shoprite Group by wielding his special deferred shares, which carry more votes than ordinary shares... More
  • Clicks Privates on parade
    More on that growth in private label, which so intrigued us when we reported on the Click results last week. No-name brands, as they used to be called, have pla... More
  • Pick n Pay Burning down the house
    While we wait in anticipation for the arrival of the Pick n Pay results, a story that will leave Woolies relieved that its turn in the fish-shooting barrel appe... More
  • Unilever Skin deep
    Turns out that Dove’s Real Beauty campaign of several years ago was no flash in the pan. A new study by the brand shows that 71% of South African women don’t fe... More


The liquor category has shown itself to be a resilient category despite the challenges it has had to contend with. This is as a result of stakeholders continuing to deploy strategies to meet the needs of shoppers in a fast evolving landscape.

– Trade Intelligence


Trade Intelligence proudly partner with industry Business Intelligence Service Providers to stop the information gap, build the industry and inform effective and profitable retailer-supplier trading engagement.



A deep dive into a category undergoing significant change

The liquor category continues to be impacted by channel shifts and shopper dynamics, all of which are playing out against the anomalous backdrop of the COVID 19 pandemic.
For key stakeholders to set themselves up to win and grow in this environment, they require a comprehensive view of the liquor category and the changes underway, including an understanding of how shopper need states are driving their behaviour, and how South African retailers are responding to align their strategies.

Liquor Report

Why Invest In This Report Content Framework
  • Gain a comprehensive view on the liquor category and the shifts underwa
  • Understand the latest shopper insights from an extensive survey
  • Get a view of how retailers are responding to key category trends
  • Draw insights and recommendations that will inform growth strategies for both retailers and suppliers
  • Liquor category overview in terms of market size, categories and key players

  • South African liquor category shopper insights

  • Shopper and retail trends in the liquor category

  • Insights, considerations and recommendations for retailers and suppliers

For more information or to order your report, please contact us on +27 (0) 31 303 2803 or