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29 Apr - 3 May
  • Shoprite Share alike
    For yonks now, Christo Wiese has exercised control over the Shoprite Group by wielding his special deferred shares, which carry more votes than ordinary shares... More
  • Clicks Privates on parade
    More on that growth in private label, which so intrigued us when we reported on the Click results last week. No-name brands, as they used to be called, have pla... More
  • Pick n Pay Burning down the house
    While we wait in anticipation for the arrival of the Pick n Pay results, a story that will leave Woolies relieved that its turn in the fish-shooting barrel appe... More
  • Unilever Skin deep
    Turns out that Dove’s Real Beauty campaign of several years ago was no flash in the pan. A new study by the brand shows that 71% of South African women don’t fe... More


As an essential route to market to the fragmented informal retail channel, the formal independent wholesale channel, although highly competitive, remains a key growth opportunity for FMCG suppliers and service providers in South Africa. The Ti Formal Independent Channel Report provides manufacturers with actionable insights that will inform aligned customer business plans for this market sector and drive short to medium-term market share gains. This formal independent channel abounds with opportunities for investment and growth for all stakeholders. 








Formal Independent Channel Report 
Clear perspectives on a channel in transition

The formal independent wholesale channel remains a key route to market for FMCG suppliers in South Africa. Various macro environmental factors are changing the dynamics at play, creating new challenges and opportunities. Innovation is accelerating change within the independent wholesale trade, which is constantly reinventing itself to stay ahead within a challenging economic and trading environment. 

This report provides an overview of changing formal independent wholesale driven by key trends.


Why invest in this report  Who should buy this report 
Gain actionable insight to build aligned customer business plans for the formal independent wholesale channel, thus driving long-term sustainable growth.

Wholesale trade key account managers, trade marketing and channel managers from:

  • FMCG suppliers and service providers
  • Retailers
  • Wholesalers