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29 Apr - 3 May
  • Shoprite Share alike
    For yonks now, Christo Wiese has exercised control over the Shoprite Group by wielding his special deferred shares, which carry more votes than ordinary shares... More
  • Clicks Privates on parade
    More on that growth in private label, which so intrigued us when we reported on the Click results last week. No-name brands, as they used to be called, have pla... More
  • Pick n Pay Burning down the house
    While we wait in anticipation for the arrival of the Pick n Pay results, a story that will leave Woolies relieved that its turn in the fish-shooting barrel appe... More
  • Unilever Skin deep
    Turns out that Dove’s Real Beauty campaign of several years ago was no flash in the pan. A new study by the brand shows that 71% of South African women don’t fe... More


The informal retail sector is an untapped, vibrant and resilient market. Although challenging to navigate at times, it remains a key area of opportunity for businesses seeking entry into and brand growth in the largely underserved mass market. Suppliers, manufacturers and service providers need to stay abreast of emerging trends shaping the sector and identify opportunities for business growth to win in informal retail, topics comprehensively covered by the Trade Intelligence Informal Retail Sector Report. Contact us to find out more.


Trade Intelligence proudly partners with M4Jam in our mission to inform and promote effective and profitable retailer-supplier trading relationships


Informal Retail - A vital segment of the SA retail environment

The Trade Intelligence Informal Retail Channel Report seeks to inform and equip FMCG suppliers and manufacturers looking to grow their brand within the sector. Packed with actionable insights, it will help you identify exciting opportunities and strategically define a solid short to medium-term sales and marketing approach. 

Its aim is to provide a micro and macro view on the informal retail sector in South Africa, key players, the market dynamics at play and the role this sector plays in the South African consumer goods industry.

For a view of how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting independent retail, refer to the Trade Intelligence opinion piece below. The article takes a look at the pandemic on the sector and sets out recommendations to ensure its survival into the future.



Why Invest In This Report Content Framework
  • Get a clear perspective on the townshipeconomy
  • Understand the market value of informal retail and ‘the size of theprize’, as well as the formats involved
  • Analyse shopper need states and how they influence trends within the informal retail channel
  • Get to know the trader and their retail behaviours
  • Understand the various trends within the informal retail sector
  • Identify challenges and opportunities for your business throughout the report
  • Gain easy access to ready-to-use insight and image-rich PPT reports
  • Key themes shaping informal retail
  • SA FMCG market value estimate
  • Channel formats
  • Shopper trends
  • Shopper profile
  • Trader profile
  • What’s happening instore
  • Trends within informal retail
  • Supplier insights and considerations
  • Definitions

For more information or to order your report, please contact us on +27 (0) 31 303 2803 or